Makor Rishon

Culture Section  

26.07.2019 One of my paintings, ‘Summer in The City, Jerusalem’, Chana Helen, in the culture section of Makor Rishon national newspaper, Israel.

 קיץ בעיר, ירושלים, חנה הלן, במדור התרבות בעיתון הלאומי מקור ראשון, ישראל

Front Page

December 2018. My art work, ‘Wind and Rain, Jerusalem’, 2018, on the front page of the Shabbat section of Makor Rishon national newspaper, Israel.  

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A Radio Interview

Kan Reka Radio (English), November 2018. 

I tell my personal story, and talk about my art work. This radio interview was just before my first Solo Exhibition at Hechal Shlomo Museum of Jewish Art, Jerusalem (next to the Great Synagogue).

A Television Interview

by Presenter Jordanna Miller, of Ma’ayan, Fine Art, and me on i24 News, (Israeli T.V.) as part of the programme ‘Holy Land Uncovered’.

18.6.2019 i24 News. Photos ( David Steinberg) taken at the television studio at Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv, Israel.

More to be added – working on it.