Newspaper Articles

Maariv, Israel

Full page article about Chana Helen Rosenberg in Maariv newspaper, by Josh Aronson.

About Chana Helen, Maariv newspaper, 2018
על חנה הלן, עיתון מעריב, 2018

Makor Rishon

December 2018. Chana Helen’s art work, ‘Wind and Rain, Jerusalem’, on the front page of the Shabbat section of Makor Rishon national newspaper, Israel.  

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Radio Interviews

  • Kan Reka Radio (English), November 2018. 

I tell my personal story, and talk about my art work. This radio interview was just before my first Solo Exhibition at Hechal Shlomo Museum of Jewish Art, Jerusalem (next to the Great Synagogue).

  • Radio 106, Hebrew and English, 15/11/2018

מאמר על הסיפור שלי ועל האמנות שלי בעיתון המבשר

Article about me and my story in ‘HaMevaser’ newspaper


מעריב ירושלים’ – מאמר על תערוכת היחיד שלי’

A full page article about my Solo Exhibition in ‘Maariv’ newspaper

מקור ראשו”, כולל אחד הציורים שלי”

‘Makor Rishon’ newspaper, which includes one of my paintings in the Shabbat supplement

אתר האספנות ארטיבט

Artists Site, Exhibitions

אתר האספנות ארטיבט Artists Exhibitions.


עיתון באר שבע

A mention in the local Be’er Sheva newspaper, and in another local newspaper, which lists Art Exhibitions.