About the painting, Purim, the Joy of Giving’. A mother and child meet a beggar on the way to their friend to give a Purim basket. The child, in a tiger costume, happily gives a coin to the beggar, encouraged by his mother.
Purim, the Joy of Giving
פורים, שמחה של נתינה
Media: Digital art
Original available to buy: No
Prints available from: https://www.etsy.com/il-en/listing/1094303952/purim-the-joy-of-giving-a-vibrant?click_key=408dda87fe0d74781c5243b9158e43c7a7b4c836%3A1094303952&click_sum=a79c56d6&ref=shop_home_active_29&frs=1
Original size: